Introduction: Primary care access is related to the quality of care provided and must meet demands. There are three proposed models to organize scheduling that are described (traditional, carve-out and advanced access). This study aims to present effective
strategies for scheduling appointments in primary care with positive access outcomes. Methodology: A Synthesis of Evidence for
Policies was developed, followed by a Deliberative Dialogue, to discuss aspects related to the implementation of the strategies.
Results: Several effective strategies were identified, grouped by similarity of themes into six options: 1) Expansion of appointments
offer in the same day; 2) Multidisciplinary teams monitoring patients; 3) Capacity increase; 4) Patient Care Bundles; 5) Interventions
prior to scheduling the appointments; 6) Regulation between service levels. Discussion: These options can be implemented partially
or completely, associated between each other or not. It is necessary to observe barriers and facilitators for the implementation
of each of them in relation to four levels: service users, professionals, organization of services and health systems. Conclusion: The
synthesis offers the theoretical basis for improving scheduling in primary health care, but it has limitations and the results must be
interpreted with caution for the Brazilian reality.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sanni Silvino Parente, Maritsa Carla de Bortoli, Cintia de Freitas Oliveira, Bruna Carolina Araújo