The framing of science and religion in seven children’s books about Christopher Columbus and Galileo Galilei


Children’s literature
history of science
science communication
science education
science/faith dialogue

How to Cite

Mogk, K. S. (2014). The framing of science and religion in seven children’s books about Christopher Columbus and Galileo Galilei. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 10(2), 57–82.


As part of my graduate diploma in Science Communication at Laurentian University, I explored how seven children’s books about the life of Galileo and Columbus framed science and religion. Using a rhetorical approach, I examined the text and images of the books to see if the books framed known or perceived conflicts between science and religion in a balanced frame, or if they were framed in an unbalanced opposition or non-oppositional way. Using Janis and Fadner’s coefficient of imbalance, I was able to quantify the results and found that the books tend to frame science and religion in a balanced way. However, the images in the sections of the books that dealt with known or perceived conflict between the Catholic Church and Galileo or Columbus strayed from a balanced view and framed science and religion as either oppositional or non-oppositional.


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