“Too small, too little”. The child and the death in Modern Age
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Pancino, C., & Silveria, L. (2010). “Too small, too little”. The child and the death in Modern Age. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 6(1), 179–212. https://doi.org/10.47692/cadhistcienc.2010.v6.35787


In the ancient regime, until the end of the XIX century, in the western mentality there were the conscience and the acceptance of the elevated childhood mortality. Literary sources testify it, autobiographic, visual sources (pictures, sculptures), and material (funeral monuments, etc.). Other sources hand down popular customs and fables, which “speak” of the necessity of “social” consolation. Beliefs and rites (temporary resurrection, baptism ritual and funerals) had a consolatory function, and above all as regard the salvation of the soul of the child in the family’s genealogy. From the XIX century and on, the death of children became more and more unbearable.

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