Constitutional Guarantee for breast feeding: prevailing of the fundamental right to children’s health over economic freedom
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Fundamental rights
childhood and young age
right to health

How to Cite

Dantas, N. J. de O. (2010). Constitutional Guarantee for breast feeding: prevailing of the fundamental right to children’s health over economic freedom. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(3), 240–247. Retrieved from


NBCAL - Brazilian Rule for the Marketing of Food for Products for Breastfeeding Babies and Infants, Pacifiers and Nursing Bottles (Administrative Order Nº 2.051/01, by the Ministry of Health - Resolutions RDC ANVISA Nº 221/02 and RDC ANVISA Nº 222/02 – Law Nº 11.265/06), aiming at contributing for the adequate feeding of breastfeeding babies and infants, brought limitations to the economic freedom. However it has regulated and limited commercial promotion, and oriented as for the proper use of food products for this age group, thereby protecting and stimulating breastfeeding, in the terms of de recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO). Such rules are clear objective, and any unconstitutionality may only be considered in view of the imposed restriction of free initiative. This paper sustains that, even though economic freedom is a fundamental right, its legal restriction is justified in view of the collision whit the child’s right to health, also a fundamental right. In the constitutional system, the principle of proportionality was used as a mediator of colliding rights, and the conclusion favored the adequacy and need for restrictions and constitutionality of Administrative Act Nº 2.051/01, by the Ministry of Health and Resolutions RDC ANVISA Nº 221/02 and RDC ANVISA Nº 222/02.

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