How do young women experience the use of the symptothermal method (a fertility awareness-based method that uses temperature associated with the analysis of cervical mucus)?
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Sexual and reproductive health
Social media
Natural family planning methods

How to Cite

Clara, D. S. da, & Borges, A. L. V. (2021). How do young women experience the use of the symptothermal method (a fertility awareness-based method that uses temperature associated with the analysis of cervical mucus)?. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 22(2), 116–124.


Our objectives were to understand the reasons why young women choose to use the syntothermic contraceptive method, describe
the use and sources of obtaining information about the method. Participants in the closed Facebook group “Adeus hormônios:
contracepção não hormonal” were invited to fill out a semi-structured instrument available online (n = 35) in 2018. The results
showed that the option to use the syntothermic as a contraceptive method occurred, predominantly, for the preference for a more
natural method or for having experienced the adverse effects of the hormonal pill, unlike women who use other behavioral methods, who, in general, do not have access to more effective methods. They experience the method as a source of empowerment by appropriating the variations that the menstrual cycle exerts on the body. The users of the syntotherm obtained knowledge about
the method through the internet, and this is how they clarify their doubts. As a routine of use, the use of cell phone applications
to help them in the control and annotation of fertile period indicators draws attention. The constant use of applications and
the creation of discussion groups on social media show the low participation of health services, confirming that this is an autonomous trajectory.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2022 Daniela Saraiva da Clara, Ana Luiza Vilela Borges


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