Narrative review on applications of serious games in post-stroke patients
pdf (Português (Brasil))


Health Education
virtual reality
exercise therapy

How to Cite

Tomazevic, J. M. (2022). Narrative review on applications of serious games in post-stroke patients. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 23(2), 73–82.


Innovative techniques are important to reconcile and harmonize the teaching-learning process in face of the cultural and technological development presented by new generations. Serious games are tools that present potential for this change and excel in many aspects when compared to traditional teaching-learning methods. They simulate practices for teaching, training, and other situations. It is important that serious games realistically reproduce everyday situations for both education and health care. For example, for the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients the care is specific, both at the hospital level and at the residential level, making it necessary to improve the care of such patients, especially at home, to achieve maximum clinical outcome and improvement in quality of life. Thus, the objective of the present study was to analyze the results presented by scientific articles that deal with the use of serious games in Health Care, where the player is the patient who presents post-stroke sequelae and, in relation to functionality, is motor restoration. The selected articles indicated the superiority of the serious games applied in relation to conventional treatment. It is necessary to stimulate and reflect professionals and students to know, understand, and use serious games in the most varied possibilities in order to improve professional training and people's quality of life.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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