Using the blueprint as an assessment tool in the Medicine course – PUC-SP
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learning assessment
Health education
Active learning
Medical education

How to Cite

Pellegrini Peçanha, M., Senger, M. H., Cabulon, A. L., Rodrigueiro, D. A., & Vieira, M. W. (2022). Using the blueprint as an assessment tool in the Medicine course – PUC-SP. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 23(2), 139–152.


To ensure that assessments are consistent with curriculum content and address valid learning outcomes, it is important that they are developed according to a well-structured plan. This experience report presents the use of the blueprint as a guidance tool in
the elaboration of evaluations in the Medicine course at PUCSP. To qualify the students’ assessment process, the blueprint
was adopted as a tool to diagram the elaboration of summative assessments, comparing each assessment question to the
learning objectives of the module that would be assessed. From this instrument, it was possible to verify whether a content was
overestimated or underestimated and, depending on the result, the composition of the test can be resumed until a balanced
test is obtained. This dynamic required the active participation of professors, strengthening collaborative work and resulting in
better quality documentation and a more organized record of the evaluation process. These results emphasized the fulfillment of the learning objectives and also influenced other activities foreseen in the curriculum. The wealth of experience provided by the adoption of the blueprint has proven its relevance and demonstrated that its use must be continuously maintained and refined.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Marcela Pellegrini Peçanha, Ana Lúcia Cabulon, Débora Aparecida Rodrigueiro, Marta Wey Vieira


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