Genetics in Brazil between 1934 and 1956: a historical case study for teaching Nature of Science.
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case study
history of brazilian genetics
teaching nature of science

How to Cite

Gomes, F. de O., & Silva, G. de M. (2017). Genetics in Brazil between 1934 and 1956: a historical case study for teaching Nature of Science. Cadernos De História Da Ciência, 13(2), 81–99.


We discuss the rise of research in Genetics in Brazil in the Department of General Biology of the Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo, in a historical
perspective, told by its main protagonists and we suggest the use of this case study as a didactic resource in undergraduate courses in Natural Sciences and Biology. The selection of the historical episodes that compose this article and the case study is justified, since they portray the implantation and consolidation of a genetic research of world relevance. We argue that teaching the early history of genetics in Brazil can bring teachers and students closer to organizational and scientific processes that expand their repertoire on issues of engagement, collaboration and dynamics in science, an understanding of science as a human activity, historically constituted and subjected to pressures of a financial, institutional, political and technological nature, among other natures.
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