Investigação laboratorial de surto de toxinfecção alimentar

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Morato BERGAMINI, A. M., Chinarelli RECHE, S. H., LISERRE, A. M., & de OLIVEIRA, M. A. (2015). Investigação laboratorial de surto de toxinfecção alimentar. Boletim Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz - BIAL, 4–6. Recuperado de


BCET-RPLA Toxin Detection Kit - TD0950A- for the of Bacillus cereus enterotoxin (diarrhoeal type) in foods and culture filtrates by reversed passive latex agglutination. [acesso 16.01.2015]. Disponível em: [ – Toxindetection-kit.html].

Downes FP, Ito K. Compendium of methods for microbiological examination of foods. 4thed. Washington (DC): American Public Health Association (APHA); 2001