Contributions from professional training in public health program from the Health Institute in the self-assessment process of primary care in the city of Santos
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Primary care
Health Evaluation
Health collective

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Souza Adania, C. S., de Lima Santos, A. P., de Castro Nascimento, . N., Hidalgo de Almeida, F. J., Ferreira Moura, . J., Estevão Calvo, M., Lopes Rodrigues, E., & Isoyama Venancio, S. (2015). Contributions from professional training in public health program from the Health Institute in the self-assessment process of primary care in the city of Santos. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(supl.), 41–47. Retrieved from


The Health Institute supported the municipality of Santos in the evaluation of Primary Health Care (PHC), by using the Self-Assessment Tool for Access and Quality Improvement (AMAQ), with the participation of students of the professional training in public health program. This paper presents the perceptions of students about the process and the self-assessment results performed by the teams. Twenty-four Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) participated in the period from 10/29/2013 to 12/13/2013. The AMAQ was defined as an investigative method to evaluate the degree to which practices of UBS quality standards proposed by the Minister of Health. Participant observation has been used and the field diary to capture the perceptions of students about the process. It was observed that the BHU have unique realities and processes. There was a concentration of BHU between regular and satisfactory ratings and no one obtained a very unsatisfactory rating. The analysis indicates possibilities for strengthening PHC, highlighting the incorporation of guidelines for the guidance of health practices, legitimacy and qualification of municipal coordination of PHC and establishment of a permanent education policy in the city.

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