A Brief Overview of the XII Exhibition of Successful Experiences of the XXIX Congress of the Council of Municipal Health Secretaries - COSEMS/SP
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Professional Development
Successful Experiences

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Ibanhes, L. C., Sterman Heimann, L. ., Victoria Ribeiro, A. Ângela, Florença Cardoso, B., Médici de Figueiredo, C., Socorro Gomesi, C. M., da Silva Duarte, I., Alves dos Santos, L. C., de Mendonça Freire, L., Fraga Vitório, M., Fernandes Silva, N., Jacobs de Lima, R., Botelho, R. A., Rodrigues Tesser, T., Rocha Marcelo, T. A., & Ribeiro Silveira, T. (2015). A Brief Overview of the XII Exhibition of Successful Experiences of the XXIX Congress of the Council of Municipal Health Secretaries - COSEMS/SP. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(supl.), 108–117. Retrieved from https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/bis/article/view/35582


This article is a brief overview of the works presented at the XII Exhibition of Successful Experiences under the Professional Improvement Program of the Health Institute of the State Secretary of Health of São Paulo. For its realization, it was designed a form focusing on aspects related to: i) scope or reach of the objectives of the work; ii) scope of application; iii) potential of replication, diffusion and/or ownership; iv) duration and sustainability; v) phases achieved; vi) social sectors and/or areas involved and vii) mentioned principles of the SUS, as well as a summary of the 573 experiences selected for the Exhibition. The first aspect that is necessary to point out is that first of all the very conclusion of the Exhibition was successful. The proposal, the regularity, the quantity and quality of the works represent the initiative, the commitment - and the care with care - on the part of health workers, from all backgrounds, sectors and areas.

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2. Ibanhes LC, Ribeiro AAV, Cardoso, BF, Figueiredo CM, Gomes CMS, Duarte IS et al. XXIX Congresso do Conselho de Secretários Municipais de Saúde - COSEMS/SP, Campos do Jordão-SP, 18-20 março 2015: relatório de atividades. São Paulo: Instituto de Saúde; 2015.


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