Eritema nodoso hansênico: análise comparativa do quadro histopatológico pelas técnicas de rotina e imunofluorescência


  • Maria Esther S. Nogueira Pesquisadora, Chefe da Equipe Técnica de Imunologia, Instituto Lauro de Souza Uma, Bauru, SP.
  • Raul Negrão Fleury Patologista, Diretor de Serviço de Epidemiologia, Instituto Lauro de Souza Uma, Baum, SP.
  • Maria Sueli P. Arruda Professora, Faculdade de Ciências, UNESP, campus Bauru, SP.



Erythema nodosum leprosum, Leprosy, lmmunocomplex, Immunofluorescence, Vasculitis


To investigate the role of immunecomplexes (Ic) in type 2 reaction (ENL), tissue fragments of 22 reactional leprosy patients were studied by means of direct immunofluorescence techinique (DIF) in association to routine histopathology. Results showed immunecomplexes in vessel and in the membrance of the dermal-epidermal junction (BMZ). The presence of lc in the deep dermal vessels and in subcutaneous tissue in connection to necrotizing vasculits alteration suggest the participation of these complexes in type 2 reaction (ENL)


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How to Cite

Nogueira MES, Fleury RN, Arruda MSP. Eritema nodoso hansênico: análise comparativa do quadro histopatológico pelas técnicas de rotina e imunofluorescência. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1995 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];20(1):11-8. Available from:



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