Removing the leprosy shadows in São Marcos quarter, Campinas, Brazil, by shadows theater


  • Aguinaldo Gonçalves Medicine Doctor, Full Professor.
  • Gláucia Cristina de Castro Physical Education Teacher, Master.



Leprosy, Health Educatio, Interactive Theater


Considering multidisciplinary team acting in Brazil’s Health Unique System and the experience from Unicamp Collective Health and Physical Activity Group, the purpose of this study is: i) to apply the Puppets Interactive Theater to stimulate people to search health care by early diagnosis of leprosy; and ii) to evaluate expected effects at Health Basic Unit. For this, theater shows have been presented to children and adolescents, of both sexes, in the district of São Marcos, in the city of Campinas, SP. This intervention impact was analyzed in two investigation complementary plans: institutional follow-up was carried out through systematic contacts with local Health Center; at personal level, participants have been interviewed, being allocated according to intentionality and accessibility criteria and considered following Discourse Analysis methodological support.
To conclude, issue involving professionals skills and permanent Health Local Services is pointed out.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves A, Castro GC de. Removing the leprosy shadows in São Marcos quarter, Campinas, Brazil, by shadows theater. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2010 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];35(1):21-8. Available from:



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