"N-factor/Anergic Margin" of resistance / susceptibility to hanseniasis. II. The general acceptance of the theory


  • Abrahão ROTBERG Professor of Dermatology, Univ ers i ty of S. Paulo. Brasi l . Chai rman of the Commi t te e on Hansenology, S. Paulo, Stat e Publ i c Heal th Se r v i c e , Br az i l .




Hanseniasis, Immunity, Resistance, Predisposition, Heredity, Genetics, N-Factor Anergic Margin


In this second article of a series about the pathogenetical theory "N-factor/Anergic Margin" of hanseniasis, the first sympathethic editorial reactions (1938-1940) and the general acceptance of the theory (1943-1977) are reviewed. Acceptance under modified terminology ("potential immunity", `inherited ability to destroy bacteria or form granuloma", etc. — for the N-factor"; "defect of cell-mediated immunity", "constitutional inaptitude to react", etc., for the "Anergic Margin"), will be reviewed in the third article of the series, together with the author's rebuttals to criticisms.


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How to Cite

ROTBERG A. "N-factor/Anergic Margin" of resistance / susceptibility to hanseniasis. II. The general acceptance of the theory. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1977 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];2(2):125-34. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/36064



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