Leprosy dual paradigm control or elimination: the critical period 2000-2005


  • Aguinaldo Gonçalves Professor Titular em Saúde Coletiva e Atividade Física (UNICAMP). Docente Pesquisador, Faculdade de Medicina, PUC Campinas
  • Glauca Gonçalves Mantellini Doutora em Educação Física Adaptada (UNICAMP). Membro Diretor, Grupo Especializado em Fisioterapia Gerontológica , Sociedade Suiça de Gerontologia, Zurique – Suíça.
  • Carlos Roberto Padovani Professor Titular de Bioestatística, UNESP – Campus de Botucatu.




leprosy, control, elimination


INTRODUCTION One of the main tendencies of leprosy worldwide is the simultaneous action of non governmental organizations and official agencies operating eventual different strategies. This paper aims to contribute to such question focusing on some outstanding aspects of respective contemporary evolution. METHODS Application of bibliographic review and contents analysis techniques to primary data from a circumstancial set of open circulation specific publications. RESULTS Successive disagreements registered between both parts refer to the objective to be attained by the fight against the disease, if control or elimination. CONCLUSIONS New perspectives of jointed actions are being searched for now when
priority on endemics control is more realistically assumed and social determination is been really considered.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves A, Mantellini GG, Padovani CR. Leprosy dual paradigm control or elimination: the critical period 2000-2005. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2011 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];36(2):17-23. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/36206



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