Laser therapy applied to leprous and non-leprous ulcers healing:

a clinical trial in out-patient units of Public Health Service


  • Glauca Gonçalves Coordenadora do Programa Municipal de Controle da Hanseníase, Araras - SP, e mestranda do Grupo de Saúde Coletiva/ Epidemiologia e Atividade Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (GSCAF/UNICAMP)
  • Aguinaldo Gonçalves Prof. Titular, GSCAF/UNICAMP
  • Carlos Roberto Padovani Prof. Titular, Orientador Externo, GSCAF/UNICAMP
  • Nivaldo Antônio Parizotto Prof. Adjunto 1, Depto de Fisioterapia, UFSCar



Leprosy, chronic ulcer, healing, out-patient units, Public Health Service


Plantar ulcer is a very frequent physical disability caused by leprosy. This fact improses, to endemic countries, the necessity of appling newer technologies to improve the quality of life of such impatients, by developing more resolutive Public Health Services. Aiming to contribute to these objectives, a clinical trial on chronic ulcer healing by laser therapy was conducted, compairing leprous and non leprous lesions, in local health units. Once reference population was defined, inclusion and exclusion criteria were established, and ethical norms observed. Measuring, evaluation and application standardized procedures were adopted, as well as clinical and documental follow up. A set of indicators based on quantitative and qualitativescales has been used, measuring on time width, lenght, depth and volume; in the same manner, clinical lesion signs were also rigorously considered, as erythema, oedema and limits aspects. For statistical analysis, Anova, Wilcoxon and Goodman test (for variations intra and among multinomial populations) were employed. Lesion disappearance prevailed significantly on reduction and worsening among leprosers (66, 7; 16,7% and 16,7%, respectively) and non-leprosers (55,3; 20,0% and 26,7%). This points out not only to expansion of therapeutic possibilities to the studied conditions in local public health services, but also to the sucess of laser therapy in such conditions.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves G, Gonçalves A, Padovani CR, Parizotto NA. Laser therapy applied to leprous and non-leprous ulcers healing: : a clinical trial in out-patient units of Public Health Service. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2000 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];25(2):133-42. Available from:



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