Os autores procuraram verificar a influência da aureomicina oral e do fosfato bicalcico, constituinte normal do excipiente das cápsulas daquele antibiótico, sobre o crescimento da levedura Candida albicans. Não foi evidenciada, pela análise estatística dos resultados, ação estimuladora do crescimento.
1. BARON,A. L. - Handbook of antibiotics. New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1950; p. 63.
2. COUNCILON PHARMACYANDCHEMISTRY- 1950 - Warning statement to be included in aureomycin hydrochloride, chloramphenicol and terramycin hydrochloride labeling. J.A.M.A. 145: 1267.
3. GEIGER, A. J., H. A. WENNER, H. D. AXELRODe S. H. DURLACHER- 1946 - Mycotic endocarditis and meningitis. Case report due to Monilia albicans. Yale J. Biol. Med. 18: 259-268. Citado por M. J. Lipnik e colab. in J. Invest. Dermai. 18 : 247-260, 1952.
4. HARRIS, H. J. - 1950 - Aureomycin and chloramphenicol in brucellosis. J.A.M.A. 142: 161-165.
5. KAREL, L. e E. S. ROACH- A dictionary of antibiosis. New York, Columbia University, 1951; p. 27-29.
6. LEITNER, Z. A. - 1950 - Vitamin deficiency and antibiotics. Brit. Med. J. 1: 491-492.
7. LEVADITI, C., A. VAISlV(AN,J. HENRY-EvENO e J. VEILLET - Antibiotiques d'origine Iongique, bactérienne ou végétale. Paris, Bailliere, 1950; p. 108.
8. LIPNIK, M. J., A. M. KLIGMANe R. STRAUSS-1952 - Antibiotics and fungous infections. J. Invest. Dermat. 18: 247-260.
9. MOORE, M. - 1951 - In vivo and in vitro effect of aureomycin hydrochloride on Syringospora (Monilia, Candida) albicans. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 37: 703-712.
10. PAPPENFORT,R. B. e E. S. SCHNALL- 1951 - Moniliasis in patients treated with aureomycin. Arch. Int. Med. 88: 729-735.
11. PRATT e DUFRENOY- Antibiotics. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1949. Citado in Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain - Antibiotics, London, The Pharmaceutical Press, 1952; p. 233.
12. TOMASZEWISKI,T. e M. D. POZNAM- 1951 - Side effects of chloramphenicol and áureomyein, with special reference to orallesions. Brit. Méd, J. 1: 388-392.
13. WOODS,J. W., L H. MANNINGJR. e C. N. PATTERSON- 1951 - Monilial infections in the therapeutic use of antibiotics. J.A.M.A. 145: 207-211.
14. ZIMMERMAN,L. E. - 1950 - Candida and aspergillus endocarditis. Arch. Palhology 50: 591-605.

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Copyright (c) 1952 José Lopes Neto, Roberto de Almeida Moura, Lúcio P. de Carvalho Lima