Food microscopy of processed fruit products, marketed in the supermarkets of São Paulo, SP
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M C. Food microscopy of processed fruit products, marketed in the supermarkets of São Paulo, SP. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 30º de abril de 2003 [citado 9º de março de 2025];62(1):65. Disponível em:


Food microscopy was used in order to quantify mycelial
fragments of mold and extraneous materials in fruit jams, fruit
pastes and canned syrup fruits. Official Methods of Analysis
(AOAC International, 1995) was applied to Howard mold
counting, to Geotrichum mold counting and to the determination
of extraneous materials in jams, fruit pastes and canned syrup
fruits (in this determination of extraneous materials it was used
the Macroanalytical Procedures Manual methodology); when
necessary, the methods were adapted and/or modified. The
modifications made in the adopted methods are commented on.
In relation to the hygienic conditions of the sweets which were
analyzed through the Howard method, it was checked that the
biggest percentage of sample containing mycelial fragments of
mold was the fruit pastes, followed by the jams and the canned
syrup fruits. In the Geotrichum mold counting, the biggest
percentage of positive samples was found in the canned syrup
fruits, followed by the fruit pastes, and then, in a smaller
percentage, the jams. In relation to extraneous materials, the
jams and fruit pastes showed the biggest percentage of positive
samples. The fruits showed a different procedure to the same
kind of sweet. The methods adopted showed to be appropriate,
enabling satisfactory reading of the mold counting as well as of
the extraneous materials, making their use possible by food
microscopy laboratories. The results which were obtained in
the analysis show the need of a revision in the food legislation
in force, establishing tolerance limits to the mycelial fragments
(except for the Geotrichum) and to the insects fragments in the
products made of fruit which studied here.

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