The Health Secretary of São Paulo State is responsible for formulating the State Health Policy and its guidelines to organize actions and services aiming to promote integrated care, rationalization costs, resources optimization and equity in the perspective of guaranteeing the right to health (Ibanez, 2011). In this sense, one of the current priorities of the Health Secretary of São Paulo State is to strengthen the line care for strategic areas and prevalent diseases such as chronic-degenerative diseases. Among the actions with the greatest impact on mortality and control of Acute Myocardial Infarction, to increase the number of Hemodynamics services in the State of São Paulo, would be one of those actions. However, in order to make such a decision, some information need to be collected to support the most appropriate investment in terms of cost and quality of service. The study analyzed, through the database of the Unified Health System (SUS) and the National Supplementary Health Agency, the offer of Hemodynamic services in the State of São Paulo, as well as the production, number of equipment, production per equipment and per service and then, compared the result with norms of Ministry of Health and data from other countries. There are 47 qualified services, present in 15 of 17 Regional Health Departments (DRS). There are 81 equipment in use at SUS that has production registered. When productivity is analyzed, it is observed that it has a significant variation: from the DRS São João da Boa Vista with 5,3 procedures for every 100.000 inhabitants of the total population to the highest rate observed in the DRS Barretos with 551,5 for every 100.000 inhabitants of the total population. When the productivity per day is calculated, the highest productivity is from DRS Sorocaba, which has 7,3 procedures per equipment per day and the lowest, DRS de São João da Boa Vista has 0,1 procedures per equipment per day. Thus, the study shows the low productivity in some services and their poor distribution among the DRS.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2020 Lígia Mayumi Abe, Ana Barbosa Marcondes de Mattos, Caroline Maiolini Mizael, Larissa Yumi Yamamoto, Rosemeire Keiko Hangai, Cícero Campanharo, Olímpio J. Nogueira V. Bittar