Identification of anthropophagy in female Aedes aegypti visually classified as non-engorged


  • Valdemir Orestes Garrido Júnior Superintendência de Controle de Endemias (Sucen), Laboratório de Entomologia Aplicada (LLEnA), Marília. São Paulo, Brasil.



Aedes, Vectors control, Entomological surveillance, ELISA


Recently, Brazil has suffered several epidemics of different arboviruses, affecting thousands of people. For this reason, public health authorities have conducted studies of new strategies to combat the Aedes aegypti, with a view to assuring declined number of people affected by these
diseases through measures aimed to reduce the contact with humanvector. The purpose of the research was to analyze females of Aedes aegypti, classified as Sella Stage 1 and to highlight its importance as a parameter for evaluating strategies to decrease human-vector contact. The method used to investigate the proportion of females fed on human blood was the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The females processed in this research were captured in 3 different regions in the city of Marília-SP. The researches emphasized the importance of processing females in all grades of blood digestion because even those that visually did not contain the presence of blood in their abdomen reported a high percentage of positivity for human blood. Moreover, it is proven that the application of the proportion of females fed with human blood can be an interesting level to evaluate reduction of human-vector contact’s protective strategies. 


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How to Cite

Garrido Júnior VO. Identification of anthropophagy in female Aedes aegypti visually classified as non-engorged. Bepa [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];17(193):1-12. Available from:



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