Health Surveillance of Populations Exposed to Pesticides
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How to Cite

Conceição Pereira F, Piccirillo B. da Veiga D, Sergio O. Valentim L, Norie Inamine R, Tiveron de Souza M, Gimenez Lopes L, Mario Junior RJ, de Lelis Andrade Morais I, Tranquillini Rezende CM. Health Surveillance of Populations Exposed to Pesticides: . Bepa [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 14 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];18(208):2-13. Available from:



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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Farida Conceição Pereira, Denise Piccirillo B. da Veiga, Luís Sergio O. Valentim, Rosemairy Norie Inamine, Márcia Tiveron de Souza, Luana Gimenez Lopes, Rubens José Mario Junior, Isabel de Lelis Andrade Morais, Cristiane Maria Tranquillini Rezende


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