Objective: To describe the abusive alcohol consumption on the prevalence
and associated factors, and the attempt to give up drinking in patients with
pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in the primary care units. Methods: Crosssectional study to analyze the adult patients (≥18 years old) undergoing
treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in Campinas, SP from 2013 to 2014.
The variable abusive drinker outcome was defined using AUDIT, negative
(0-7) and positive (8-40), and the variable attempt to quit drinking alcoholic
beverages in the last 12 months was also used. AUDIT negative and positive
patients were compared for different characteristics using Pearson chisquare. Following a hierarchical theoretical model, the multiple logistic
regression was applied. Results: Among 195 interviewees, the prevalence
of alcohol abuse was 28.2%, and the variables associated with it were: male,
age from 30 to 59 years old, divorced, separated or widowed, unemployed
and smoker. No statistical difference was found in the attempt to quit, not
even the recommendations received from the health team and from the
family and relatives supports. Conclusion: Improvements should be done
on the actions related to the attempt to stop drinking, and to include the
family in the treatment of alcohol abuse in patients with pulmonary TB.
The support and guidance received by patients were not enough to them to
give up the abusive drinking.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Magnania Cristiane Pereira da Costa, Letícia Marín-León, Helenice Bosco de Oliveira