Health and quality protocols


  • Olimpio J. Nogueira V. Bittar Assessores da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde.


Protocolos., Qualidade da assistência à saúde., Mortalidade.


 Gauging the quality of hospital care can be done in numerous ways,   including the based protocols that enable the creation, maintenance of   values and examples for professionals who interfere in their training and   in daily front conduct the patient just like the institution and comparison   of results between services, improving them continuously. The health   secretariatof São Paulo - SES / SP started assessment work of Teaching   Hospitals linked to the Unified Health System - SUS in the state of São   Paulo, certified and contracted by the System since the beginning of the   process in 2004 set up by inter-institutional committee, composed of   ministries, SES / SP and professional associations. From 2006, they are   being evaluated about mortality indicators, volume and usefulness of   these teaching units, as well as other hospitals under the Unified National   Health System - SUS, which are compared with selected indicators from   the Agency protocol for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the   United USA. This activity has been important in monitoring units, in   return information to continue improving the quality of care, research   and teaching. The historical series currently has nine years (2006-2014)   and shows improvement of indicators however they are bellow average   verified in american hospitals.  


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How to Cite

Nogueira V. Bittar OJ. Health and quality protocols. Bepa [Internet]. 2016 Jan. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];13(145):19-32. Available from:



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