Life with AIDS in São Paulo: information and challenges for public health policy


  • Bernadette Cunha Waldvogel Fundação Seade
  • Ângela Tayra CRT-DST/Aids/CCD/SES
  • Carmen Silvia Bruniera Domingues CRT-DST/Aids/CCD/SES.
  • Lilian Cristina Correia Morais Fundação Seade
  • Mariza Vono Tancredi CRT-DST/Aids/CCD/SES
  • Monica La Porte Teixeira Fundação Seade
  • Márcia Cristina Polon CRT-DST/Aids/CCD/SES.


 The study sizes the population with AIDS in São Paulo and its main     demographic and epidemiological characteristics. This is the main result     of the partnership between Seade Foundation and the State Program STD/     AIDS, which have joined forces to improve the quality and completeness of     the information about the AIDS epidemic in the state, building the Paulista     Integrated Base AIDS – BIP-Aids. The information revealed in this new     database subsidizes the development of actions on Sao Paulo’s health.    


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How to Cite

Cunha Waldvogel B, Tayra Ângela, Bruniera Domingues CS, Correia Morais LC, Vono Tancredi M, La Porte Teixeira M, Polon MC. Life with AIDS in São Paulo: information and challenges for public health policy. Bepa [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];12(138):17-33. Available from:




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