Hepatitis A is a viral disease spread worldwide. Transmitted by fecal-oral route and occurs mainly because of inadequate sanitary conditions. This paper describes a Hepatitis A outbreak investigation in Descalvado county, São Paulo, after five years without a case. Case-control study was conducted, with 34 IgM anti-HAV positive cases and 38 IgM anti-HAV negative controls, matched for age and exposure local, in order to identify risk factors and exposure source. Serologic exams were performed by Center of Diagnostic Laboratorial of São Carlos, using DiaSorin® commercial kits and Instituto Adolfo Lutz using “in house” method PCR technique. Average age of the cases was 6,5 years old, 55,9% were men, and presented symptoms as: jaundice (70,6%); dark urine (70,6%); pale stools (52,9%); nausea (47,1%); fever (44,1%); vomiting (44,1%); abdominal pain (29,4%) and 2 hospitalizations (5,9%). The most significant risk factor was the previous contact with a HAV patient: OR de 21,45; IC 95% e p< 0,001. Consumption of vegetables without disinfections was a second relevant risk factor: OR de 4.7; IC 95% e p<0,001. The outbreak occurred in two elementary schools, one private day nursery and neighbors of primary case. five years without a case increased the number of susceptible, making one case enough to cause an outbreak. Educational measures, vaccine and immunoglobulin application controlled the outbreak and prevented new cases.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2011 Eliana Suzuki , Thais Claudia Roma de Oliveira, Dionéia Aparecida Ragetti, Érica Sofia Iost Ozorio Galluci, Maria Laís Caputo de Barros Serra, Márcia Tereza Barbieri, Angela Maria Miranda Spina, Isabel Takano Oba, Maria Bernadete de Paula Eduardo