Mycobacteria culture is of fundamental importance to the diagnosis of tuberculosis because presents sensitivity higher than the acid-fast smear. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of the culture media Ogawa-Kudoh (OK) and manual Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT-Becton & Dickinson) in relation the positivity, speed of the results, contamination and the increase of the diagnosis by the culture in a public health laboratory in São Paulo state. The samples from patients with suspected tuberculosis were doubly processed for the culture: one by the conventional method of swab and inoculated onto OK medium, and another by the Petroff 's method and inoculated in MGIT liquid medium. Of these 490 cultures performed, 45 (9.2%) were positive in the OK medium and 58 (11.8%) in MGIT. The percentage of the contamination in OK medium was 6 (1.2%) and 1 (0.2%) in MGIT. The increase of the diagnosis by the culture in OK was 11 (17.7%) and in MGIT was 20 (28.2%). The growth in MGIT medium was faster than OK in the positive results (value-p=0.02). The agreement/reliability of the results was 95.2% (n=483). Of these 64 isolates obtained by OK or MGIT, the identification was performed in 45 (70.3%): 37 (57.8%) were identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 4 (6.3%) M. intraellulare/M. chimaera, 2 (3.1%) M. abcessus and 2 (3.1%) M. avium. The MGIT medium showed better results than OK medium in relation of the positivity, the rapidity of the diagnosis, rates of contamination and in the increase of the diagnosis by the culture.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Heloisa da Silveira Paro Pedro, Susilene Maria Tonelli Nardi, Máira Gazzola Arroyo, Maria Izabel Pereira Ferreira, Maria do Rosário Assad Goloni, Lucilaine Ferrazoli