This study aims to investigate the correlation between AIDS mortality rate and social inclusion/exclusion indexes among persons aged 25 to 49 years in 96 administrative districts in the city of Sao Paulo between 2003 and 2005. Mortality data were collected from the Program for Improving Local Mortality Data and from population estimates based on the 2000 census of the State System Data Analysis. The social indexes were obtained from the city's map of exclusion (2003). Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation test (at 5% level). A significant negative correlation was seen among men and women in beginning of the period between AIDS mortality and the equity index, which measures the proportion of women who are family heads in the administrative districts. From 2000 to 2005, it was observed a significant negative correlation among women between AIDSmortality and the social inclusion indexes. Despite free antiretroviral therapy in Brazil, the study suggest a relationship between AIDS mortality and socioeconomic factors by the context in the districts. Social inequity could explain the differences observed in the neighborhood in São Paulo
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Copyright (c) 2009 Norma Farias, Karina Paiva