Research and identification of anabolizing in elaborated foods for practitioners of physical activities, and supplements vitaminic or minerals


  • Blanca Elena Ortega Markman Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Maria Regina Walter Koschtschak Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Olívia Uessugui Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Roberta Fiusa Magnelli Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Elizabeth Meihuey Wu Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Ana Paula Santos Instituto Adolfo Lutz


anabolic, food for practitioners of physical activity, vitamin and/or minerals supplements, liquid-liquid extraction, identification, thin layer chromatography in reverse phase


There were an explosion of the consumption of food for practitioners of physical activity (FPPA) and vitamin and minerals supplements (VMS) and so the world market for FPPA and VMS handled about 46 billion dollars in 2001. The Ordinances nº 222 and nº 32 (1998) of Brazilian legislation regulate the FPPA establishing the identity and quality of these products and it exclude stimulants, hormones, and other doping drugs by the International Olympic Committee. The consumption growth occurred due to the inclusion of plant extracts, melatonin and precursors of testosterone, beyond the nutrients, by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education. In the nutritional supplements, the call of the advertising with photographs showing athletes and practitioners of physical activity, the disponibility and the free access of the FPPA and VMS by Internet resulted in the popularization of the use of these formulations by amateur athletes. Complaints made by Journal and TV that banned anabolic steroids were sold in FPPA, VMS or in drugs for veterinary use, they have promoted inspections and seizures by authorities like Anvisa, services of sanitary monitoring, Civil and Federal Police in stores and academies. The objective of this work was search and identify the not declared anabolic products on label of products confiscate by authorities. The 111 analyzed samples shown 25,5 % had anabolic steroidal substances


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How to Cite

Ortega Markman BE, Walter Koschtschak MR, Uessugui O, Fiusa Magnelli R, Meihuey Wu E, Santos AP. Research and identification of anabolizing in elaborated foods for practitioners of physical activities, and supplements vitaminic or minerals. Bepa [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];5(60):4-8. Available from:



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