Mathematical Modeling of the Risk Factors for Canine Leishmaniosis in Human Leishmaniosis in Western Regions of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and in the Northeast of the Province of Salta, Argentina.


  • Juan Carlos Rosales Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina, e do Laboratório de Informática — Unicamp (Lab-Epifisma),
  • Hyun Mo Yang Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação Científica, da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, (Unicamp), Brasil


Basic reproduction number, Mathematical models, Simulation, Infection force, Leishmaniosis


 We estimated the time delay for the appearance of the first case of Leishmaniosis among humans   since the appearance of the disease among dogs. It is observed that the first case among humans occurs when   the prevalence among dogs reaches critical value. We developed a SIR-type (Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered)   deterministic model taking into account two vertebrate hosts (humans and dogs) and one invertebrate vector   (insect Lutzomyia). The model is simulated using Matlab® software, in which model parameters are obtained   from Andradina, Araçatuba, São Paulo-Brazil and the northeast regions of the Province of Salta, Argentina. We   also estimated the basic reproduction number Ro for both regions.  


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How to Cite

Rosales JC, Mo Yang H. Mathematical Modeling of the Risk Factors for Canine Leishmaniosis in Human Leishmaniosis in Western Regions of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and in the Northeast of the Province of Salta, Argentina. Bepa [Internet]. 2006 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 5];3(31):2-6. Available from:



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