Objective: To estimate the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) and evaluate the indication and completeness of vaccination against HPV among 'travestis" and transsexual women (TrTW) in vulnerable social, participants of a multicenter cross-sectional study (TransOdara), in Manaus, Amazonas (2020-2021). Methods: Recruitment took place at the Sexual Diversity and Gender Outpatient Clinic of the Policlínica Pam/Codajás, using Respondent-Driven Sampling. The dependent variable was the positive result for HPV, analyzed through the result of the anal swab and genital swab. Results: 39 participated TrTW. About 50% were between 20 and 29 years old, with incomplete/complete Elementary School and 81.6% identified themselves as black/brown. A total of 97.4% had anal HPV infection and 53.8%, genital infection. Prevalences were significantly higher among immigrants (88.9%) and homeless (72.7%) than among those incarcerated (26.3%) (p = 0.003). Conclusion: To reduce the high prevalence of HPV among TrMT in socially vulnerable situations, it is important to improve current public policies and establish prevention strategies (expansion immunization coverage/early diagnosis) and timely treatment for better quality of life.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tassia Macedo Silva Botelho, Katia Cristina Bassichetto, Alaricy Beatriz de Almeida Almeida, Dária Barroso Serrão Neves, Rita Bacuri, Claudia Barros, Adele Schwartz Benzaken , Maria Amelia Sousa Mascena Veras