Objective: To estimate the prevalence of syphilis among travestis and transsexual women (TrTW) in situations of social vulnerability. Methods: TrTW residents in Manaus, homeless, incarcered and immigrants, participants of the multicenter project TransOdara - Prevalence Study of Syphilis and other Sexually Transmitted Infections among TrMT in Brazil: Care and Prevention were selected. Results: 39 TrMT were included. The prevalence of syphilis, according to the result of the rapid test and VDRL, was 64.1% (25/39), being apparently higher among homeless TrMT (72.7%), followed by those incarcereted (63.2 %) and immigrants (55.6%), but with no statistical difference between the subgroups. About 80% were between 20 and 39 years old and self-reported as black/brown. Discussion: Despite the small sample size, the specificity of this work stands out, which included a vulnerable population. Conclusion:The prevalence of syphilis in the studied population was high, and it is necessary to expand the services trained to meet this demand.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Tamires Rocha Alves, Katia Cristina Bassichetto , Lilian Maramaldo Oliveira , Dária Barroso Serrão, Rita Bacuri, Claudia Barros, Adele Schwartz Benzaken, Maria Amelia Sousa Mascena Veras