Spatial distribution of transvestites and transexual women with rapid positive tests for syphilis and HIV. São Paulo City, 2020.
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transsexual woman
HIV infection
spatial distribution

How to Cite

Bassichetto KC, Kon R, Veras MASM. Spatial distribution of transvestites and transexual women with rapid positive tests for syphilis and HIV. São Paulo City, 2020. Bepa [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];20:e38962. Available from:


Introduction: In Brazil, there is a shortage of studies related to the transgender population, which restricts the understanding of their health and illness profile. The present work used data from the TransOdara Project – “Study of the prevalence of syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections among travestis and transgender women (TrTW) in Brazil: care and prevention”, a multicenter study, which recruited people over 18 years of age and aimed to estimate the prevalence syphilis, HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Objectives: To analyze the spatial distribution of TrTW, according to the results of rapid tests for syphilis and HIV, by areas of exclusion and social inclusion, of participants recruited in São Paulo city. Methods: A sampling technique indicated for difficult-to-access populations was used, and laboratory tests and medical consultations were offered to all participants. The participants' addresses were geoprocessed and referenced to Administrative Districts classified according to the Exclusion/Inclusion Index. 339 residents of the city of São Paulo were selected, of which 332 had their addresses mapped. Results: It was observed that the participants predominantly lived in areas with some degree of social exclusion, with a concentration in the central region of the city. High prevalences of syphilis and HIV were confirmed, but the place of residence does not seem to have been a determining factor in the risk of acquiring it. The following were significantly associated with the risk of STIs: low education, being black or brown and working as sex workers. Conclusion: It was possible to identify, within this vulnerable group, a subgroup with specific and more accentuated vulnerabilities and to characterize specific forms of occupation of the city's territories. The results suggest the diversification of testing strategies to reach key populations that are invisible and hard to reach, who do not routinely attend health services.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Katia Cristina Bassichetto, Rubens Kon, Maria Amelia Sousa Mascena Veras


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