The challenges of nursing in the transsexual man's pregnancy: integrative review
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How to Cite

Santos NS. The challenges of nursing in the transsexual man’s pregnancy: integrative review. Bepa [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];20:e39139. Available from:


Objective: Trans men and trans women strategies during the period of transsexual male pregnancy. Method: Bibliographical research with a descriptive aspect through articles on the Virtual Health Library of Brazil (BVS) and PubMed portal, between the years 2016 to 2022. Results: In order to answer the guiding question of this study, the 13 articles selected, showing that despite the growing study on the health and health care of trans men, the literature on transsexual reproduction remains limited, therefore, it was possible to identify problems of trans men, and strategy of nursing. Conclusion: It is concluded that during the gestational period, systemic and interpersonal interventions were adhered to to promote inclusive care and gender affirmation. There is a great need to remove stigmas with team training, to promote comfort such as, for example, interactions with the patient using pronouns correctly and integration of the name used in the client's daily life.
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