Congenital syphilis epidemiological profile and associated risk factors in the Regional Healthcare Network 3, Sao Paulo, Brazil




syphilis, congenital, pregnancy, prenatal care


Introduction: The incidence of congenital syphilis has shown a significant increase in recent years, to the point of it being considered, in several countries, as a reemerging disease. The areas in high socioeconomic vulnerability are those with the most worrying rates. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the epidemiological characteristics of congenital syphilis in cases reported in the Regional Health Care Network 3 (RRAS 3) int the state of São Paulo). Methods: Data collection was carried out in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan), through the website of the Department of Informatics of the Brazilian unified health system (Datasus), in the period from 2018 to 2022. The data analyzed were congenital syphilis, syphilis in pregnant women, maternal sociodemographic characteristics, access to prenatal care and time of diagnosis of syphilis in pregnant women. Results: Approximately 29% of pregnant women with syphilis were teenagers. 86.3% of the notified pregnant women had more than 7 prenatal consultations and the diagnosis of syphilis in the pregnant woman in more than 60% of the cases occurred during prenatal care. Only 3.6% of pregnant women with syphilis received adequate treatment. Conclusion: Confronting congenital syphilis requires deep and robust changes in the scope of primary health care, so that the deficiencies that perpetuate such problems can finally be efficiently addressed.


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Author Biography

Marta Del Porto Pereira, Grupo de Vigilância Epidemiológica IX Franco da Rocha

Diretora Técnica do Grupo de Vigilância Epidemiológica IX Franco da Rocha


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How to Cite

Gazeta RE, Pereira MDP. Congenital syphilis epidemiological profile and associated risk factors in the Regional Healthcare Network 3, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Bepa [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];20:e39359. Available from:



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