Challenges and contribution of the Cellular Immunology Laboratory of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz of São Paulo in the early years of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil




HIV, AIDS, cellular immune response, diagnosis, risk groups, vertical transmission


In the year of the 40th anniversary of the implementation of the first AIDS Program in São Paulo, I could not miss the occasion to report the challenges and contribution of the Cellular Immunology Laboratory of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL) of São Paulo, in the phase that preceded the identification and isolation of HIV; therefore, when there were no laboratorial serological and molecular tests in national and international market for the diagnosis of this infection/disease. The cellular immunological profile of the first 111 AIDS suspected cases from São Paulo was evaluated by counting T and B lymphocyte, subpopulations of T lymphocytes (T4 and T8), T4/T8 ratio calculation, and lymphocytes proliferation analysis (lymphocytes culture) after stimulation with mitogens and PPD antigen. The obtained results disclosed an immunological profile characteristic of AIDS cases: leukopenia, lymphopenia, decrease in the number of T4 and increase in the number of T8 lymphocytes, inversion of the T4/T8 ratio, and reduced lymphocytes proliferation response to mitogens and PPD, corroborating laboratorial findings description of AIDS cases published by the CDC, Atlanta, USA. Subsequently, the laboratory conducted studies on the diagnosis of perinatal HIV infection, standardizing an in vitro induced antibody secretion (IVIAP) technique, capable of detecting anti-HIV antibodies produced by B lymphocytes from infected children, and differentiating them from those passively acquired from the mother during pregnancy. IVIAP showed high sensitivity and specificity and could be used in the diagnosis of HIV infection in children older than two months of age.


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How to Cite

Caterino-de-Araujo A. Challenges and contribution of the Cellular Immunology Laboratory of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz of São Paulo in the early years of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil . Bepa [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 10 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];20:e39498. Available from:



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