Evolution of the virological diagnosis of human rabies at the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, Brazil (1970-2020): data analysis





human rabies, public health surveillance, laboratory diagnosis


Early laboratory diagnosis of human rabies should be performed by appropriate tests, since the application of medical treatment protocols in hospitalized individuals depends on laboratory results. The present study analyzed the data referring to the 560 suspected cases of human rabies submitted to virological diagnosis in the IP/SP from 1970 to 2020. There has been an advance in laboratory methodologies, especially molecular ones, which have become essential, enabling the treatment of exposed individuals, as well as allowing the determination of the source of infection of cases, a fundamental fact for the effectiveness of control actions in regions vulnerable to the spread of the disease. Interventions in the urban cycle of rabies, through vaccination of dogs and cats and referral of samples for diagnosis decreased the cases transmitted by dogs, especially in the Southeast, on the other hand, an exponential increase of cases was observed in the same period, in the North (32%) and Northeast (53.3%) regions, with cases related to the wild cycle, with bats as the main transmitters (72%),  followed by non-human primates (6%), and wild canids (1%). Our results demonstrated the importance of improving laboratory diagnosis, which is an essential part of conducting control strategies as well as the treatment of exposed individuals.


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How to Cite

Santos SFR, Macedo CI, Castilho JG, Scheffer KC, Mori E, Cochi M, Caporale GMM, Batista HB de CR, Achkar S. Evolution of the virological diagnosis of human rabies at the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, Brazil (1970-2020): data analysis. Bepa [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];21:e39696. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/BEPA182/article/view/39696



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