Introduction: Dengue stands out for presenting an endemic epidemiological profile and a serious public health problem. The objective of this study was to carry out an analysis of the epidemiological situation of Dengue in the 40 municipalities belonging to the Regional Health Department II (DRS II) of Araçatuba-SP, during the years 2017 to 2022, during which the pandemic period occurred, and analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the occurrence of Dengue in the same period. Methods: To this end, data were collected from SINAN, DATASUS/TABNET, and the SEADE foundation, with statistical tests and case prediction being carried out using the ARIMA and forecast tools, to indicate the existence of a correlation between diseases, generating a prediction of what the Dengue profile would be like if the pandemic had not occurred, and compare the prediction with the real results. Results: During the studied period, there were 94,969 cases of Dengue in the 40 municipalities studied, with an increase in deaths following the increase in cases. It was observed that, with the emergence of COVID-19 cases and mobilizations to combat the pandemic, there was a sharp drop in Dengue cases that lasted until 2021, with the prediction varying from the real by 42%. Conclusion: With the results obtained in this study, it was possible to understand the epidemiological situation of Dengue in the studied region and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its profile. This data can help public authorities plan actions to control this disease.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bruno Felipe Borges Guzzi, Matheus Janeck Araújo, Teresa Marilene Bronharo, Eliana Bravo Calemes, Juliana Galera Castilho Kawai