Rescuing vaccination coverage: how a municipality in São Paulo reached the polio campaign goal
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vaccination coverage and polio

How to Cite

Messora TC de C, Sato APS. Rescuing vaccination coverage: how a municipality in São Paulo reached the polio campaign goal. Bepa [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];21:e40774. Available from:


Objective: In a scenario of falling vaccination coverage, it is necessary to plan local vaccination strategies to avoid the reintroduction of controlled or eliminated diseases. The objective of this work was to report the vaccination strategy carried out by a municipality in São Paulo to achieve the goal of 95% vaccination coverage during the polio vaccination campaign. Methods: This is an experience report on the execution of the polio vaccination campaign in the municipality of Louveira – SP in the year 2022. The target audience selected for the action was the resident population, aged one to four years, which consists of 3,061 children. Results: 2,522 children were vaccinated in basic health units, 154 in schools and 240 in house-to-house action, reaching the target of 95%. Considering extramural actions, there was a 13.5% increase in vaccination coverage. It was observed that, even with the expansion of access to vaccination in basic health units, many children were vaccinated only during an active search strategy. No suspected case of polio was reported by health services. Conclusion: Innovative strategies must be designed to increase vaccination coverage, considering the strengths and weaknesses of each territory.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Thereza Cristina de Carvalho Messora, Ana Paula Sayuri Sato


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