Several decades of development in the field have led to a wide variety of test kits available for addressing the different needs of surveillance, diagnosis, and monitoring of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Laboratory testing is a key component of HIV diagnosis; it is the starting point for diagnosing and treating patients. This experience report aims to present to professionals working in the area of HIV infection the possible causes for an indeterminate serological diagnosis. HIV diagnosis is performed using test flowcharts that involve the use of serological assays for screening and confirmatory testing. It is critical to understand the dynamics of various viral markers against the time course in individuals after exposure to HIV. Laboratories must have measures in place to assess the analytical performance of HIV serological tests and adopt a quality system to verify the effectiveness of the services provided.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Márcia Jorge Castejon, Meire Bocoli Rossi, Karen Cristina Rolim Madureira, Francisco Erisnaldo Nunes