The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that in addition to preventive measures against virus transmission, precautionary measures were also necessary in relation to the mental health of populations that had deep fears and anguish. Objectives: To offer psychoeducational guidance and recommendations on how to deal with the difficulties of the pandemic, based on the perception of interpersonal relationships in Brazilian families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study carried out by an international consortium of scientists from different countries. To collect data, an online questionnaire was used, available on the project website (www.icpcovid.com), previously prepared with questions about how COVID-19 affects the general well-being of family relationships. Participants then received guidance and recommendations on how to better cope with the impacts of COVID-19. Individuals eligible to participate in this research needed to be adults aged 18 or older. Participation was voluntary, without any type of linked remuneration. The study was carried out from February 2020 to November 2022. Results: Recommendations and psychoeducational guidelines to reduce suffering, offering support, support, and building social support networks to meet emerging needs. Conclusions: In the midst of a pandemic situation, psychoeducational measures are important tools for people and families to empower themselves with resources that allow them to prevent and promote general well-being.
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