During this work Sokol's classical method, slightly modified, was used in order to obtain lhe purified fraction of rabies virus. A filtration in Sephadex G-50 column took place followed by another filtration in Sephadex G75, eliminating the enzimatic treatment with DNase and RNase. The elution in Sephadex G-50 separated two peaks with activity in 280nm (Absorbance). Peak I has separed a bovine albumine serum and Peak II has separated rnost of the viral fraction purified, free of such eontaminats as serum or eellular proteins. Peak I was submitted to a saecharose gradient clumping ali viral particles components and they were bioehemically eharaeterized throughout the electrophoretic
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Copyright (c) 1996 Yeda L. Nogueira, Julia M. Souza Felippe