Este trabalho é uma revisão sobre vírus Dengue. Numa tentativa de rever os conhecimentos acumulados, apresentando aspectos moleculares, diagnósticos e clínicos.
1. BARBOSA, M.L.; ROCCO, I.M.; FELIPPE, J.M.M.S. & CRUZ, A,S. - Growth and Maintenance of Aedes albopictus cellline, clone C6/ 36, in diferent media. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 53:63-70,1993.
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4. BLITVICH, B.J.;MACKENZIE , J.S.; COELEN , R. J. ; HOWARD, M.J.&HALL, RA - A novel complex formed between the tlavivirus E and NS I proteins : ana1ysis of its struture function. Areh Virol., 140: 145-156, 1995.
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8. BOONPUCKNAVIG, S.; VUTTIVIROJ, O. & BOONPUCKNAVIG, Y. - lnfection of young adult mice with dengue virus type 2. Trans. R. Soe. Med. Hyg., 75: 647-653, 1981.
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13. BURKE, D.S.; NISALAK, A & JOHNSON , D.E. - A. prospective study of dengue infection in Bangkok.Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 38-172-180, 1988.
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15. CALISHER, C.H.; BRANDT, w.s., CASALS, J.; SHOPE, R.E.; TESH, R.B. & WIEBE, M.E.Proposed antigenic classification of registered arboviruses. L Togaviridae, A1phaviridae. lntervirologv, 14:229-232, 1980.
16. CALISHER, C.H.; KARABATSOS, N.; DALRYMPLE, J.M.; SHOPE, R.E.; PORTERFIELD J .S. & BRANDT, w'E.- Antigenic relationships between tlavivirus as determined by cross-neutralization tests with polyclonal antisera, i.c»: Virol.,70:37-43,1989.
17. CARDIFF, R. D. & LUND, J.K. - Distribution of dengue- 2 antigens by electron immunocytochemistry. Infect. Immun., 3:1699-1709,1976.
18. CHAMBERLAIN, R.w' - Epidemiology of arthropod -borne togavirus: The role of arthropods as hosts and vectors and of vertebrate hosts in natural transmission cycles. ln: R.W.Sch1esinger Ed. The Togaviruses: Biology, Structure, Replication. New York; Plenum, 1980.
19. CHAMBERS, T.J., HAHN, C.S., GALLER, R. & RICE, C.M. - Flavivirus genome organization expression, and rep1icatim Annu. Rev. Microbiol., 44;649-688, 1990a.
20. CHAMBERS, T.J.; GRAKOUI, A & RICE, C.M.Processing of the yellow fever virus non-structural polyproteins: a catalytically active NS3 proteinase domain and NS2B are required for cleavages at dibasic sites. 1. Virol., 65:6042-6050,1991.
21. CHAMBERS,T.J.; McCOURT, D.W.& RICE, C.M. - Production of yellow fever virus proteins in infected cells: Identification of discrete polyprotein species and analysys of cleavage kinetics using region-specific polyclonal antisera. Virology, 177:159-174, 1990b.
22. CHAMBERS, T.J.; WEIR, R.C.; GRAKQUI, A.; McCOURT, D.W.BAZAN, J.F. FLETTERICK, R.J. & RICE, C.M. - Evidence that the N-terminal domain of yellow fever virus NS3 is a serine protease responsible for site-specific cleavages in the viral polyprotein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sei. USA, 87:8898-8902, 1990c.
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29. CHURDBOONCHART,Y.; BHAMARAPRAVITI, N.; PEAMPRAMPRECHA, S. & SIRINAVIN, S. - Antibidies Against Dengue viral proteins in primary and Secondary Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 44:481-493,1991.
30. CHURDBOONCHART,Y.;BHAMARAPRAVITI, N.; PEAMPRAMPRECHA, S. PINTHONG, c, SIRINAVIN, S.& CHAIYOTHA,A. -Antibidies to dengue viral polyptides. 1. Sensitivity and specificity of the viral-antigen-strips/enzyme immunoassay. South. Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health, 18:362-372, 1987.
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33. CLEAVES, G.R. - Identification of dengue type 2 virus-specific high molecular weight proteins in virus-infected BHK cells. J. Gen. Virol., 66:2767-2771,1985.
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35. COlA, G., PARKER, M.D.; SPEIGHT, G.; BYRNE, M.E. & WESTAWAY, E.G. - Partia! nucleotid sequence of the Murray Valley Encephalitis virus genome comparation of the encoded polypeptides with Yellow Fever virus structural and non-strutural proteins. J.Gen. Virol., 69:1-21,1988.
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41. DEUBEL, Y.; KINNEY, RM. & TRENT, D.W. Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acidsequence of the nonstructural proteins of dengue type 2 virus, Jamaica genotype; comparative analysis of the full-length genome. Virology, 165:234-244, 1988.
42. ECKELS, K.H.; KLIKS, s.c.. DUBOIS, D.R.; WAHL, L.M. & BANCROFT, W.H. - The
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53. GENTRY, M.K.; HENCHAL, E.A. McCOWN, J.M.; BRANDT, w.a & DALRYMPLE, J.M. - Identification of determinants on dengues 2 virus using monoclonal antibodies. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 33:548-555, 1982.
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