Foram feitos estudos comparativos entre quatro métodos para determinação de nitrato em amostras de águas naturais, colhidas em dez poços na cidade de São Paulo. Procurou-se destacar os problemas operacionais e os possíveis interferentes para cada método. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi sugerido o método do ácido fcnoldissulfônico como o mais apropriado para o uso em análises de rotina de amostras de água.
1. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION - Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 16th ed. Washington, APHA, 1985. p. 391-404.
2. BARNES, H. - A modified 2:5-xylenol method for nitrate estimations. Analyst., 75:388-92, 1950.
3. BURDEN, E.H.W.J. - The toxicology of nitrates and nitrites with particular reference to the potability of water supplies. Analyst, 86:429-33, 1961.
4. HORA, F.B. & WEBBE, P.J. - A source of serious error in the determination of nitrates by the phenoldisulphonic acid method and its remedy. Analyst., 85:567-9, 1960.
5. HUNTER, H. & COMLY, Y.D. - Cyanosis in infants caused by nitrites in well water. J. amer. medo Assoe., 129: 112-6, 1945.
6. KHOL, D.H.; SHEARER, G.B. & COMMONER, B. - Fertilizer nitrogen: contribution to nitrate in surface water in a com belt watershed. Science., New Y., 174:1331-4, 1971.
7. MONTGOMERY, H.A.C. & DYMOCK, J.F. The rapid determination of nitrate in fresh and saline waters. Analyst., 87:374-8, 1962.
8. WELGHE, N. & CLAEYS, A. - Rapid spectro-photometric determination of nitrates in mineral waters with resorcionol. Analyst., 110:313-4, 1985.
9. WEST, P.W. & RAMACHANDRAN T.P. - Spectrophotometric determination of nitrates using chromotropic acíd, Anal. Chim. Acta, 35:317-24, 1966.
10. WHO TASK GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA FOR NITRATES, NITRITES AND N-NITROSO COMPOUNDS. Lyon, 1976. Nitrates, nitrites and N-nitroso compounds. Geneva, WHO, 1978. p. 17,31,32. (Environmental Health Criteria 5)
2. BARNES, H. - A modified 2:5-xylenol method for nitrate estimations. Analyst., 75:388-92, 1950.
3. BURDEN, E.H.W.J. - The toxicology of nitrates and nitrites with particular reference to the potability of water supplies. Analyst, 86:429-33, 1961.
4. HORA, F.B. & WEBBE, P.J. - A source of serious error in the determination of nitrates by the phenoldisulphonic acid method and its remedy. Analyst., 85:567-9, 1960.
5. HUNTER, H. & COMLY, Y.D. - Cyanosis in infants caused by nitrites in well water. J. amer. medo Assoe., 129: 112-6, 1945.
6. KHOL, D.H.; SHEARER, G.B. & COMMONER, B. - Fertilizer nitrogen: contribution to nitrate in surface water in a com belt watershed. Science., New Y., 174:1331-4, 1971.
7. MONTGOMERY, H.A.C. & DYMOCK, J.F. The rapid determination of nitrate in fresh and saline waters. Analyst., 87:374-8, 1962.
8. WELGHE, N. & CLAEYS, A. - Rapid spectro-photometric determination of nitrates in mineral waters with resorcionol. Analyst., 110:313-4, 1985.
9. WEST, P.W. & RAMACHANDRAN T.P. - Spectrophotometric determination of nitrates using chromotropic acíd, Anal. Chim. Acta, 35:317-24, 1966.
10. WHO TASK GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA FOR NITRATES, NITRITES AND N-NITROSO COMPOUNDS. Lyon, 1976. Nitrates, nitrites and N-nitroso compounds. Geneva, WHO, 1978. p. 17,31,32. (Environmental Health Criteria 5)

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Copyright (c) 1987 Jorge José do Vale Oliveira, Maria Isabel Vallilo, Nilva Aparecida R. Pedro, Odair Zenebon
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