Cromatografia bi-dimensional em papel foi aplicada com a fmalidade de separar os diferentes aminoacidos de hidrolisado de proteina de soja. Foi introduzido, com resultados satisfat6rios, um novo artifício para identificação dos aminoacidos, e foram feitas algumas modificações na determinação do acido glutamico. As manchas correspondentes ao acido glutamico (padrão e amostra) foram recortadas, diuídas e o acido glutamico foi determinado por espectrofotometria.
1. ALMEIDA, M.E.W. - Aminoacidos livres em camaroes. Varia90es decorridas durante a decomposi9io. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 15: 158-167, 1955.
2. ALTHOFF, J.D. - Nitrogen balance in a nu¬tritional test with TVP (textured vege¬table proteins). Med. Klin., 65: 1204-07,1970.
3. CIRCLE, S.J. & JOHNSON, D.W. - Edible isolated soybean protein. In: ALTSCHUL, A.M., ed. Processed plant protein fOOdstuffs. New York, Academic Press, 1958. p. 399.-418.
4. COMIT~ MIXTO F AO/OMS DE EXPERTOS EN ADITIVOS ALIMENTARIOS. Ginebra, 1970. EvaluaciOn de /os aditi¬vos alirnentarios, 149 informe. Ginebra, 1971. (Org. Mund. Salud, Ser. Inf. Teen., 462).
5. Ibid. 159,informe. Ginebra, 1972 (Org. Mund Salud, Ser. Inf. Teen. 488).
6. FOWDEN, L. - The quantitative recovery and coiorimetric estimation of aminoacids separated by paper chromatography. ftiochem. J., 48: 327-333, 1951.
7. KENT-JONES, D.W. & AMOS, AJ. - Modern cereal chemistry. 4.00., 2.impr. Liverpool, Northern Publishing, 1950. p. 110.
8. KUIKEN, K.A. & LYMAN, C.M. - Essential aminoacids composition of soybean meals prepared from twenty strains of soybeans. J. Biol. Chem., 177: 29-36, 1949.
9. MIERZEJEWSKI, T. & ~KULMOWSKI, J. -Detection and separation of aminoacids in protein hidrolyzates of soybeans by the paper chromatography method. Annis Univ. Marioe Curie-Skolodow8ka (Po Ionia), Sect. DD, 6: 309-324, 1951 apud Chem. Abstr., 47: 7948d, 1953.
10. POLSON, A.; MOSLEY, V.M. & WYCKOFF, R.W.G. - The quantitative chromato-graphy of silk hydrolysate. Science, 105: 603-604,1947.
11. THOMPSON, J.F. & MORRIS, J.E. - Deter-minationof aminoacids from plants by paper chromatographY. Analyt. Chem., 31: 103-139, 1959.
12. TSUNODA, T.; ISHIZUKA, Z.; MIYAZAWA, S. & TAMURA, G. - The microbiolo¬gical determination of aminoacids in soy sauce. J. Agric. Chern. Soc. Japan, 26: 477-480, 1952 apud Chern. Abstr., 48: 1410ge, 1954.
2. ALTHOFF, J.D. - Nitrogen balance in a nu¬tritional test with TVP (textured vege¬table proteins). Med. Klin., 65: 1204-07,1970.
3. CIRCLE, S.J. & JOHNSON, D.W. - Edible isolated soybean protein. In: ALTSCHUL, A.M., ed. Processed plant protein fOOdstuffs. New York, Academic Press, 1958. p. 399.-418.
4. COMIT~ MIXTO F AO/OMS DE EXPERTOS EN ADITIVOS ALIMENTARIOS. Ginebra, 1970. EvaluaciOn de /os aditi¬vos alirnentarios, 149 informe. Ginebra, 1971. (Org. Mund. Salud, Ser. Inf. Teen., 462).
5. Ibid. 159,informe. Ginebra, 1972 (Org. Mund Salud, Ser. Inf. Teen. 488).
6. FOWDEN, L. - The quantitative recovery and coiorimetric estimation of aminoacids separated by paper chromatography. ftiochem. J., 48: 327-333, 1951.
7. KENT-JONES, D.W. & AMOS, AJ. - Modern cereal chemistry. 4.00., 2.impr. Liverpool, Northern Publishing, 1950. p. 110.
8. KUIKEN, K.A. & LYMAN, C.M. - Essential aminoacids composition of soybean meals prepared from twenty strains of soybeans. J. Biol. Chem., 177: 29-36, 1949.
9. MIERZEJEWSKI, T. & ~KULMOWSKI, J. -Detection and separation of aminoacids in protein hidrolyzates of soybeans by the paper chromatography method. Annis Univ. Marioe Curie-Skolodow8ka (Po Ionia), Sect. DD, 6: 309-324, 1951 apud Chem. Abstr., 47: 7948d, 1953.
10. POLSON, A.; MOSLEY, V.M. & WYCKOFF, R.W.G. - The quantitative chromato-graphy of silk hydrolysate. Science, 105: 603-604,1947.
11. THOMPSON, J.F. & MORRIS, J.E. - Deter-minationof aminoacids from plants by paper chromatographY. Analyt. Chem., 31: 103-139, 1959.
12. TSUNODA, T.; ISHIZUKA, Z.; MIYAZAWA, S. & TAMURA, G. - The microbiolo¬gical determination of aminoacids in soy sauce. J. Agric. Chern. Soc. Japan, 26: 477-480, 1952 apud Chern. Abstr., 48: 1410ge, 1954.

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Copyright (c) 1972 Maria Elisa Wohlers de Almeida, Antonia Mattos Simão
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