Bidimepsional paper chromatography was applied in order to separate the diilereat arninoacids of industrial soybean protein hydrolysates, with satisfactory results. Some modification were introduced into the classical methods for aminoacid detection and into the evaluation of glutamic acid. The spots corresponding to the glutamic acid (standard and sample) hai be. aat out, eluted, and its contents of glutamic acid were determined by means of spectrophotometry.
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2. ALTHOFF, J.D. - Nitrogen balance in a nu¬tritional test with TVP (textured vege¬table proteins). Med. Klin., 65: 1204-07,1970.
3. CIRCLE, S.J. & JOHNSON, D.W. - Edible isolated soybean protein. In: ALTSCHUL, A.M., ed. Processed plant protein fOOdstuffs. New York, Academic Press, 1958. p. 399.-418.
4. COMIT~ MIXTO F AO/OMS DE EXPERTOS EN ADITIVOS ALIMENTARIOS. Ginebra, 1970. EvaluaciOn de /os aditi¬vos alirnentarios, 149 informe. Ginebra, 1971. (Org. Mund. Salud, Ser. Inf. Teen., 462).
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6. FOWDEN, L. - The quantitative recovery and coiorimetric estimation of aminoacids separated by paper chromatography. ftiochem. J., 48: 327-333, 1951.
7. KENT-JONES, D.W. & AMOS, AJ. - Modern cereal chemistry. 4.00., 2.impr. Liverpool, Northern Publishing, 1950. p. 110.
8. KUIKEN, K.A. & LYMAN, C.M. - Essential aminoacids composition of soybean meals prepared from twenty strains of soybeans. J. Biol. Chem., 177: 29-36, 1949.
9. MIERZEJEWSKI, T. & ~KULMOWSKI, J. -Detection and separation of aminoacids in protein hidrolyzates of soybeans by the paper chromatography method. Annis Univ. Marioe Curie-Skolodow8ka (Po Ionia), Sect. DD, 6: 309-324, 1951 apud Chem. Abstr., 47: 7948d, 1953.
10. POLSON, A.; MOSLEY, V.M. & WYCKOFF, R.W.G. - The quantitative chromato-graphy of silk hydrolysate. Science, 105: 603-604,1947.
11. THOMPSON, J.F. & MORRIS, J.E. - Deter-minationof aminoacids from plants by paper chromatographY. Analyt. Chem., 31: 103-139, 1959.
12. TSUNODA, T.; ISHIZUKA, Z.; MIYAZAWA, S. & TAMURA, G. - The microbiolo¬gical determination of aminoacids in soy sauce. J. Agric. Chern. Soc. Japan, 26: 477-480, 1952 apud Chern. Abstr., 48: 1410ge, 1954.
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