Mycoplasma pneumoniae foi isolado e identificado a
partir de material da orofaringe de uma criança de 13 anos de idade que apresentava, ao estudo radíográfíco, aspecto de broncopneumonia no lobo inferior esquerdo. Os exames sorológicos demonstraram aumento significante de anti-
corpos contra o M. pneurnoniae no soro colhido durante a convalescença da infecção. Não foi evidenciada qualquer alteração de títulos de anticorpos contra AIEngland/42/72, A/Hong Kong/1/68, B/Massachusetts/66, adenovírus e vírus respiratório sincicial. O quadro clínico e a resposta do paciente ao tratamento com a eritromicina não diferiram dos de casos similares relatados na literatura.
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5. CHANOCK, R. M. - Mycoplasma ínrectíons of mano New Engl. J. uea., 273: 1257-64, 1965.
6. CHANOCK, R.M.; HAYFLICK, L. & BARILE, M. F. - Growth on artificial medium of an agent associated with atypícal pneumonia and its identification as a PPLO. Proc. natn. Aead. Sei. (U. S. A. ), 48: 41-9, 1962.
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9. EATON, M.D.; MEIKLEJOHN, G. & VAN HERICK, W. - Studies on the etiology of primary atypieal pneumonia. A filterable agent transmissible to cotton rats, hamsters and chick embryos. J. exp. Med., 79: 649-68, 1944.
10. EVANS, A.S.: ALLEN, V. & SUELTMANN, S. - Mycoplasma pneurnoniae infection in University of Visconsin students.
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11. FORS'YTH, B.H.; BLOOM, H.H.; JOHNSON, K.M. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Etiology of primary atypical pneumonia in a military population. J. Am. med. Ass., 191: 364-8, 1965.
12. FOY, H.M.; COONEY, M.K. McMAHAN, R. & GRAYSTON, J.T. - Viral and mycoplasmal pneumonia in a prepaíd medícal care group dur íng an eight-year período Am. J. Epidem., 97: 93102, 1973.
13. GEORGE, R.B.; WEILL, H.; RASH, J.R.; MOGABGAB, V. & ZISKIND, M.M .. Roentgenographic appearance of víral and mycoplasmal pneumoniae. Am. Rev. resp. Dis., 96: 1144-50, 1967.
14. GLEEZEN, W.P.; THORNBURG, G.; CHIN, T.D.Y. & WENNER, H.A. - Significance of mycoplasma infections ín children with respiratory disease. Pediatries (New York) , 39: 516-25, 1967.
MONT, J.C. & MacCOLL, W.A. - Myeoplasma pneumoniae ínrectíons: clinical and epídemíologíc studies. J. am. medo Ass., 191: 369-374, 1965.
16. HAYFLICK, L. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Mycoplasma species of mano Bacteriol. Rev., 29: 185-221, 1965.
17. HORNSLETH, A. - Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in infants and children in Copenhagen - 1963-65. Acta path. mierobiol. seand., 69: 304-13, 1967.
18. JANSSON, E.; WAGER, O.; STENSTROM, R.; KLEMOLA, E. & FORSSELL, P. - Studies on Eaton PPLO pneumonia. Brit. medo J., 1: 142-5, 1964.
19. KINGSTON, J.R.; CHANOCK, R.M.; MUFSON, M.A.; HELLMAN, L.P.; JAMES, W.D.; FOX, H.H.; MANKO, M.A. & BOYERS, J. - Eaton agent pneumonia. J. amo medo Ass., 176: 118-23, 1961.
20. KRAYBILL, W.H. & CRAWFOR:!), Y.E. A selective medium and color test for Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Proc, Soe. exp, Biol. uea., 118: 965-70, 1965.
21 . LENNETTE, E. H., ed. - Diagnostic procedures for viral and rickettsiat mfectione, 4th ed. New York, A.P.H.A., 1969.
22. LIU, C.; EATON, M.D. & HEYL, J.T. Studies on primary atypical pneumonia. II. Observations concerning the development and ímmunological characteristics of antibody in patients. J. exp. Meâ.; 109: 545-56, 1959.
23. MOGABGAB, W.J. - Mycoplasma pneuniae and adenovirus respiratory ilnesses in military and university personnel, 1959-1966. Am. Rev. resp. Dis., 97: 345-58, 1968.
24. MUFSON, M.A.; MANKO, M.A.; KINGSTON, J.R. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Eaton agent pneumonia - clinical features. J. amo medo Ass., 178: 369-74, 1961.
25. MUFSON, M.A.; CHANG, V.; GILL, V.; WOOD, S.C.; ROMANSKY, M.J. & CHANOCK, R.M. - The role of víruses, mycoplasmas and bacteria ín acute pneumonia in civilian adulta. Am. J. Epidemiol., 86: 526-44, 1967.
26. PURCELL, R.H. & CHANOCK, R.M. Mycoplasma of human origino In: LENNETTE, E.; ed . Diagnostic procedures for viral and rickettsial infectione. 4th ed. New York, A.P.H.A., 1969. p. 786825.
27. RASCH, J.R. & MOGABGAB, W.I. - Therapeutic effetc of erythromycin on Mycopias ma pneumoniae. Antimicrob. Agents otiemottier ., 5: 693-9, 1965.
28. SHAMES, J.M.; GEORGE, R.B.; HOLLIDAY, W.B.; RASCH, J.R. & MOGABGAB, W.J. - Comparison of antibiotics in the treatment of mycoplasmal pneumoniae. Archs interno Med., 125: 680-4, 1970.
29. SLOTKIN, R.I.; CLYDE, W.A. & DENNY, F. W. - The effect of antibiotics on Mycoplasma pneumoniae ín vitro and in vivo. Am. J. Epidemiol., 86: 225-37, 1967.
30. SMITH, C.; FRIEDW ALD, W. & CHANOCK, R. M. Shedding of Mycoplasma pneumonia e after tetracycline and erythromycin therapy. New Engl. J. Meda; 276: 1172, 1967.

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Copyright (c) 1974 Sueko Takimoto, Cláudio Sérgio Pannuti, Guido Carlos Levi, Vicente Amato Neto, Heloisa Helena Barbosa, Hatune Tanaka, Luís Florêncio de Salles-Gomes