Mycoplasma pneumoniae was isolated and identified from the throat of a 13 years old boy with X-rays appearence of bron-
chopneumonia involving the left lower Iung, Serological tests showed a significant rise in antibody against M. pneumonia e in the convalescence serum. On the other hand, no significant rise was detected against Influenza virus A/England/42/72, A/Hong Kong/1/68, B/Massachusetts/66, adenoviruses and respiratory syncytial viruses. The clinical features of the case and the response to the treatment with erithromycin were typical.
1. ANDREWS, C.E.: HOPEWELL, P.; BURRELL, R.E. OLSON, N.O. & CHICK, E. W. - An epidemic of respiratory ínfection due to Myeoplasma pneumoniae in a civilian population. Am. Rev. resp. Dis., 95: 972-9, 1967.
2. ALEXANDER, E.R.: FOY, H.M.; KENNY, G. E.; KRONMAL, R. A.; McMAHAN, R., CLARKE, E. R. : MacCOLL, W . A. & GRA YSTON, J. T. - Pneumonia due to Myeoplasma pneumoniae. Its incidence in the membership of a co-operative medical group, New. Engl. J. uea., 275: 131-6, 1966.
3. BALASSANIAN, N. & ROBBINS, F. C . Myeoplasma pneumoniae infection in families. New Engl. J. Med., 277: 719-25, 1967.
4. BIBERFELD, G.; JOHNSSON, T. & JONSSON, J. - Studies on Myeoplasma pneumoniae lnfection ín Sweden. Acta path. mierobiol. seand., 63: 469-75, 1965.
5. CHANOCK, R. M. - Mycoplasma ínrectíons of mano New Engl. J. uea., 273: 1257-64, 1965.
6. CHANOCK, R.M.; HAYFLICK, L. & BARILE, M. F. - Growth on artificial medium of an agent associated with atypícal pneumonia and its identification as a PPLO. Proc. natn. Aead. Sei. (U. S. A. ), 48: 41-9, 1962.
7. CHANOCK R. 1\1. et alii - Myeoplasma pneumonia e : proposed nomencla ture ior atypical pneumonia organism (Eaton agent). Science (New York) , 140: 662, 1963.
8. DECANCQ Jr., H.G. & LEE F.A. - Myeoplasma prceurnorüae. Massive pulmonary ínvolvement and pleural effusion. J. amo medo Ass., 194: 1010-11, 1965.
9. EATON, M.D.; MEIKLEJOHN, G. & VAN HERICK, W. - Studies on the etiology of primary atypieal pneumonia. A filterable agent transmissible to cotton rats, hamsters and chick embryos. J. exp. Med., 79: 649-68, 1944.
10. EVANS, A.S.: ALLEN, V. & SUELTMANN, S. - Mycoplasma pneurnoniae infection in University of Visconsin students.
Am. eec. resp. Dis., 96: 237-244, 1967.
11. FORS'YTH, B.H.; BLOOM, H.H.; JOHNSON, K.M. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Etiology of primary atypical pneumonia in a military population. J. Am. med. Ass., 191: 364-8, 1965.
12. FOY, H.M.; COONEY, M.K. McMAHAN, R. & GRAYSTON, J.T. - Viral and mycoplasmal pneumonia in a prepaíd medícal care group dur íng an eight-year período Am. J. Epidem., 97: 93102, 1973.
13. GEORGE, R.B.; WEILL, H.; RASH, J.R.; MOGABGAB, V. & ZISKIND, M.M .. Roentgenographic appearance of víral and mycoplasmal pneumoniae. Am. Rev. resp. Dis., 96: 1144-50, 1967.
14. GLEEZEN, W.P.; THORNBURG, G.; CHIN, T.D.Y. & WENNER, H.A. - Significance of mycoplasma infections ín children with respiratory disease. Pediatries (New York) , 39: 516-25, 1967.
MONT, J.C. & MacCOLL, W.A. - Myeoplasma pneumoniae ínrectíons: clinical and epídemíologíc studies. J. am. medo Ass., 191: 369-374, 1965.
16. HAYFLICK, L. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Mycoplasma species of mano Bacteriol. Rev., 29: 185-221, 1965.
17. HORNSLETH, A. - Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in infants and children in Copenhagen - 1963-65. Acta path. mierobiol. seand., 69: 304-13, 1967.
18. JANSSON, E.; WAGER, O.; STENSTROM, R.; KLEMOLA, E. & FORSSELL, P. - Studies on Eaton PPLO pneumonia. Brit. medo J., 1: 142-5, 1964.
19. KINGSTON, J.R.; CHANOCK, R.M.; MUFSON, M.A.; HELLMAN, L.P.; JAMES, W.D.; FOX, H.H.; MANKO, M.A. & BOYERS, J. - Eaton agent pneumonia. J. amo medo Ass., 176: 118-23, 1961.
20. KRAYBILL, W.H. & CRAWFOR:!), Y.E. A selective medium and color test for Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Proc, Soe. exp, Biol. uea., 118: 965-70, 1965.
21 . LENNETTE, E. H., ed. - Diagnostic procedures for viral and rickettsiat mfectione, 4th ed. New York, A.P.H.A., 1969.
22. LIU, C.; EATON, M.D. & HEYL, J.T. Studies on primary atypical pneumonia. II. Observations concerning the development and ímmunological characteristics of antibody in patients. J. exp. Meâ.; 109: 545-56, 1959.
23. MOGABGAB, W.J. - Mycoplasma pneuniae and adenovirus respiratory ilnesses in military and university personnel, 1959-1966. Am. Rev. resp. Dis., 97: 345-58, 1968.
24. MUFSON, M.A.; MANKO, M.A.; KINGSTON, J.R. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Eaton agent pneumonia - clinical features. J. amo medo Ass., 178: 369-74, 1961.
25. MUFSON, M.A.; CHANG, V.; GILL, V.; WOOD, S.C.; ROMANSKY, M.J. & CHANOCK, R.M. - The role of víruses, mycoplasmas and bacteria ín acute pneumonia in civilian adulta. Am. J. Epidemiol., 86: 526-44, 1967.
26. PURCELL, R.H. & CHANOCK, R.M. Mycoplasma of human origino In: LENNETTE, E.; ed . Diagnostic procedures for viral and rickettsial infectione. 4th ed. New York, A.P.H.A., 1969. p. 786825.
27. RASCH, J.R. & MOGABGAB, W.I. - Therapeutic effetc of erythromycin on Mycopias ma pneumoniae. Antimicrob. Agents otiemottier ., 5: 693-9, 1965.
28. SHAMES, J.M.; GEORGE, R.B.; HOLLIDAY, W.B.; RASCH, J.R. & MOGABGAB, W.J. - Comparison of antibiotics in the treatment of mycoplasmal pneumoniae. Archs interno Med., 125: 680-4, 1970.
29. SLOTKIN, R.I.; CLYDE, W.A. & DENNY, F. W. - The effect of antibiotics on Mycoplasma pneumoniae ín vitro and in vivo. Am. J. Epidemiol., 86: 225-37, 1967.
30. SMITH, C.; FRIEDW ALD, W. & CHANOCK, R. M. Shedding of Mycoplasma pneumonia e after tetracycline and erythromycin therapy. New Engl. J. Meda; 276: 1172, 1967.
2. ALEXANDER, E.R.: FOY, H.M.; KENNY, G. E.; KRONMAL, R. A.; McMAHAN, R., CLARKE, E. R. : MacCOLL, W . A. & GRA YSTON, J. T. - Pneumonia due to Myeoplasma pneumoniae. Its incidence in the membership of a co-operative medical group, New. Engl. J. uea., 275: 131-6, 1966.
3. BALASSANIAN, N. & ROBBINS, F. C . Myeoplasma pneumoniae infection in families. New Engl. J. Med., 277: 719-25, 1967.
4. BIBERFELD, G.; JOHNSSON, T. & JONSSON, J. - Studies on Myeoplasma pneumoniae lnfection ín Sweden. Acta path. mierobiol. seand., 63: 469-75, 1965.
5. CHANOCK, R. M. - Mycoplasma ínrectíons of mano New Engl. J. uea., 273: 1257-64, 1965.
6. CHANOCK, R.M.; HAYFLICK, L. & BARILE, M. F. - Growth on artificial medium of an agent associated with atypícal pneumonia and its identification as a PPLO. Proc. natn. Aead. Sei. (U. S. A. ), 48: 41-9, 1962.
7. CHANOCK R. 1\1. et alii - Myeoplasma pneumonia e : proposed nomencla ture ior atypical pneumonia organism (Eaton agent). Science (New York) , 140: 662, 1963.
8. DECANCQ Jr., H.G. & LEE F.A. - Myeoplasma prceurnorüae. Massive pulmonary ínvolvement and pleural effusion. J. amo medo Ass., 194: 1010-11, 1965.
9. EATON, M.D.; MEIKLEJOHN, G. & VAN HERICK, W. - Studies on the etiology of primary atypieal pneumonia. A filterable agent transmissible to cotton rats, hamsters and chick embryos. J. exp. Med., 79: 649-68, 1944.
10. EVANS, A.S.: ALLEN, V. & SUELTMANN, S. - Mycoplasma pneurnoniae infection in University of Visconsin students.
Am. eec. resp. Dis., 96: 237-244, 1967.
11. FORS'YTH, B.H.; BLOOM, H.H.; JOHNSON, K.M. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Etiology of primary atypical pneumonia in a military population. J. Am. med. Ass., 191: 364-8, 1965.
12. FOY, H.M.; COONEY, M.K. McMAHAN, R. & GRAYSTON, J.T. - Viral and mycoplasmal pneumonia in a prepaíd medícal care group dur íng an eight-year período Am. J. Epidem., 97: 93102, 1973.
13. GEORGE, R.B.; WEILL, H.; RASH, J.R.; MOGABGAB, V. & ZISKIND, M.M .. Roentgenographic appearance of víral and mycoplasmal pneumoniae. Am. Rev. resp. Dis., 96: 1144-50, 1967.
14. GLEEZEN, W.P.; THORNBURG, G.; CHIN, T.D.Y. & WENNER, H.A. - Significance of mycoplasma infections ín children with respiratory disease. Pediatries (New York) , 39: 516-25, 1967.
MONT, J.C. & MacCOLL, W.A. - Myeoplasma pneumoniae ínrectíons: clinical and epídemíologíc studies. J. am. medo Ass., 191: 369-374, 1965.
16. HAYFLICK, L. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Mycoplasma species of mano Bacteriol. Rev., 29: 185-221, 1965.
17. HORNSLETH, A. - Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in infants and children in Copenhagen - 1963-65. Acta path. mierobiol. seand., 69: 304-13, 1967.
18. JANSSON, E.; WAGER, O.; STENSTROM, R.; KLEMOLA, E. & FORSSELL, P. - Studies on Eaton PPLO pneumonia. Brit. medo J., 1: 142-5, 1964.
19. KINGSTON, J.R.; CHANOCK, R.M.; MUFSON, M.A.; HELLMAN, L.P.; JAMES, W.D.; FOX, H.H.; MANKO, M.A. & BOYERS, J. - Eaton agent pneumonia. J. amo medo Ass., 176: 118-23, 1961.
20. KRAYBILL, W.H. & CRAWFOR:!), Y.E. A selective medium and color test for Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Proc, Soe. exp, Biol. uea., 118: 965-70, 1965.
21 . LENNETTE, E. H., ed. - Diagnostic procedures for viral and rickettsiat mfectione, 4th ed. New York, A.P.H.A., 1969.
22. LIU, C.; EATON, M.D. & HEYL, J.T. Studies on primary atypical pneumonia. II. Observations concerning the development and ímmunological characteristics of antibody in patients. J. exp. Meâ.; 109: 545-56, 1959.
23. MOGABGAB, W.J. - Mycoplasma pneuniae and adenovirus respiratory ilnesses in military and university personnel, 1959-1966. Am. Rev. resp. Dis., 97: 345-58, 1968.
24. MUFSON, M.A.; MANKO, M.A.; KINGSTON, J.R. & CHANOCK, R.M. - Eaton agent pneumonia - clinical features. J. amo medo Ass., 178: 369-74, 1961.
25. MUFSON, M.A.; CHANG, V.; GILL, V.; WOOD, S.C.; ROMANSKY, M.J. & CHANOCK, R.M. - The role of víruses, mycoplasmas and bacteria ín acute pneumonia in civilian adulta. Am. J. Epidemiol., 86: 526-44, 1967.
26. PURCELL, R.H. & CHANOCK, R.M. Mycoplasma of human origino In: LENNETTE, E.; ed . Diagnostic procedures for viral and rickettsial infectione. 4th ed. New York, A.P.H.A., 1969. p. 786825.
27. RASCH, J.R. & MOGABGAB, W.I. - Therapeutic effetc of erythromycin on Mycopias ma pneumoniae. Antimicrob. Agents otiemottier ., 5: 693-9, 1965.
28. SHAMES, J.M.; GEORGE, R.B.; HOLLIDAY, W.B.; RASCH, J.R. & MOGABGAB, W.J. - Comparison of antibiotics in the treatment of mycoplasmal pneumoniae. Archs interno Med., 125: 680-4, 1970.
29. SLOTKIN, R.I.; CLYDE, W.A. & DENNY, F. W. - The effect of antibiotics on Mycoplasma pneumoniae ín vitro and in vivo. Am. J. Epidemiol., 86: 225-37, 1967.
30. SMITH, C.; FRIEDW ALD, W. & CHANOCK, R. M. Shedding of Mycoplasma pneumonia e after tetracycline and erythromycin therapy. New Engl. J. Meda; 276: 1172, 1967.
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