Pela técnica de imunofluorescência indireta em cortes de fígado, rim, estômago, coração e diaf ragrna de camundongo, foi pesquisada a presença de an ticorpos anti-reticulínicos em 40 soros de pacientes com esquistossomose crônica. Concomitantemente, foram utilizados 40 soros de pacientes com sorologia positiva para infecção chag ásica, e outros controles. Alguns autores afirmam que a presença destes anticorpos teria valor diagnóstico significativo na doença de Chagas. Neste trabalho não foi evidenciada qualquer diferença entre padrões de fluorescência dos soros de pacientes esquistossomóticos e de chagásicos.
1. ALP, M. H. & WRIGHT, R. - Autoantibodies to reticulin in patients with idiopathic steatorrhoea, cocliac disease, and Crohn's disease, and their reIation to immun oglobulins and dictary antibodies, Lancei; 2: 682-5, 1971.
2. COSSIO, P. M.; DIEZ, C.; SZARFMAN, A.; KREUTZER, E,; CANDIOLO, B, & ARANA, R. M, - Chagasic cardiopathy. Demonstration of a serum gammagIobulin facto r which reacts with endocardium and vascular structures. Circulation, 49: 13-21, 1974.
3. COSSIO, P. M.; LAGUENS, R. P.; DIEZ, C.; SZARFMAN, A.; SEGAL, A. & ARANA R. M. - Chagasic cardiopathy. Antibodies reacting with plasma membrane of striated muscle and endothelial cells. Circulation, 50:1252-9, 1974.
4. ESSEN, R. von; SAVIHAHTI, E. & PELKONEN, P. - Reticulin antibody in children with malabsorption. Lancet., 1: 1157-9, 1972.
5. HUBSCH, R. M.; SULZER, A. J. & KAGAN, I, G. - Evaluation of an autoimmune type antibody in the sera of patients with Chaga's disease. J. Paraeit ; 62: 523-7, 1976.
6. JOHNSON, G. D. & HOLBOROW, E. J. Immunofluorescence. In: WEIR, D. M., ed. - Handbook of experimental immunology. 2nd ed. Oxford, Blackwell, 1973. p. 18.1-18.20.
7. KHOURY, E. L.; COSSIO, P. M.; SZARFMAN, A.; MARCOS, J. C.; MORTEO, O. G. & ARANA, R. M. - Immunofluorescent vascular pattern due to EVI antibody of Chaga's disease. Am. J. clin, Path., 69: 62-5, 1978.
8. RIZZETTO, M. & DONIACH, D. - Types of "reticulin" antibodies detected in human sera by immunofluorescence. J. clin. Path., 26:841-51, 1973.
9. SEAH, P. P.; FRY, L.; HOFFBRAND, A. V. & HOLBOROW, E. J. - Tissue antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis and adult coeliae disease. Lancei, 1: 834-6, 1971.
10. SEAH, P. P.; FRY, L.; ROSSINTER, M. A.; HOFFBRAND, A. V. & HOLBOROW, E. J. - Anti-reticulin antibodies in childhood coeliac disease. Lancet, 2: 681-2, 1971.
11. SEAH, P. P.; FRY, L.; HOLBOROW, E. J.; ROSSINTER, M. A.; DOE, W. F.; MAGALHÃES, A. F. & HOFFBRAND, A. V. - Anti-reticulin antibody: Incidence and diagnostic significance. Gut, 14:311-5, 1973.
12. SZARFMAN, A.; KHOURY, E. L.; COSSIO, P. M.; ARANA, R. M. & KAGAN, 1. G. - Investigation of the EVI antibody in parasitic disease other than American trypanosomiasis. An anti-skeletal muscle antibody in leishmaniasis. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg., 24:19-24, 1975.
2. COSSIO, P. M.; DIEZ, C.; SZARFMAN, A.; KREUTZER, E,; CANDIOLO, B, & ARANA, R. M, - Chagasic cardiopathy. Demonstration of a serum gammagIobulin facto r which reacts with endocardium and vascular structures. Circulation, 49: 13-21, 1974.
3. COSSIO, P. M.; LAGUENS, R. P.; DIEZ, C.; SZARFMAN, A.; SEGAL, A. & ARANA R. M. - Chagasic cardiopathy. Antibodies reacting with plasma membrane of striated muscle and endothelial cells. Circulation, 50:1252-9, 1974.
4. ESSEN, R. von; SAVIHAHTI, E. & PELKONEN, P. - Reticulin antibody in children with malabsorption. Lancet., 1: 1157-9, 1972.
5. HUBSCH, R. M.; SULZER, A. J. & KAGAN, I, G. - Evaluation of an autoimmune type antibody in the sera of patients with Chaga's disease. J. Paraeit ; 62: 523-7, 1976.
6. JOHNSON, G. D. & HOLBOROW, E. J. Immunofluorescence. In: WEIR, D. M., ed. - Handbook of experimental immunology. 2nd ed. Oxford, Blackwell, 1973. p. 18.1-18.20.
7. KHOURY, E. L.; COSSIO, P. M.; SZARFMAN, A.; MARCOS, J. C.; MORTEO, O. G. & ARANA, R. M. - Immunofluorescent vascular pattern due to EVI antibody of Chaga's disease. Am. J. clin, Path., 69: 62-5, 1978.
8. RIZZETTO, M. & DONIACH, D. - Types of "reticulin" antibodies detected in human sera by immunofluorescence. J. clin. Path., 26:841-51, 1973.
9. SEAH, P. P.; FRY, L.; HOFFBRAND, A. V. & HOLBOROW, E. J. - Tissue antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis and adult coeliae disease. Lancei, 1: 834-6, 1971.
10. SEAH, P. P.; FRY, L.; ROSSINTER, M. A.; HOFFBRAND, A. V. & HOLBOROW, E. J. - Anti-reticulin antibodies in childhood coeliac disease. Lancet, 2: 681-2, 1971.
11. SEAH, P. P.; FRY, L.; HOLBOROW, E. J.; ROSSINTER, M. A.; DOE, W. F.; MAGALHÃES, A. F. & HOFFBRAND, A. V. - Anti-reticulin antibody: Incidence and diagnostic significance. Gut, 14:311-5, 1973.
12. SZARFMAN, A.; KHOURY, E. L.; COSSIO, P. M.; ARANA, R. M. & KAGAN, 1. G. - Investigation of the EVI antibody in parasitic disease other than American trypanosomiasis. An anti-skeletal muscle antibody in leishmaniasis. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg., 24:19-24, 1975.

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