Food efficiency and protein quality of baru and pequi seeds from Brazilian savanna
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protein quality
Dipteryx alata Vog
Caryocar brasiliense Camb

How to Cite

Sousa AG de O, Fernandes DC, Naves MMV. Food efficiency and protein quality of baru and pequi seeds from Brazilian savanna. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2012 Feb. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];71(2):274-80. Available from:


This work evaluated the food efficiency and the protein quality of baru and pequi seeds from the Brazilian Savanna. Weaned male Wistar rats (n = 24) were distributed into four groups, and they were fed with the following diets containing 10% protein: standard (casein, 7% fat), control (casein, 15% fat); baru (baru seed, 15% fat) and pequi (pequi seed, 15% lipids). Protein and lipid contents were determined, and the total dietary fiber amount was estimated in the four diets. The food efficiency was estimated by the Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) and the protein value was determined by the PER (Protein Efficiency Ratio). The FCR ranged from 2.8 (reference diet) to 10.5 (pequi seed diet), and the baru seed diet (FCR = 5.17) was more effective than the pequi seed diet. The PER value of baru seed (2.11) was higher than that found in pequi seed (1.0), and the RPER (relative protein quality) values of these seeds were 70% and 30%, respectively. The baru seed showed better food efficiency and protein quality than the pequi seed, and its protein might be classified as from intermediate to good quality.
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