The aim of this study was to determine the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 28, 52, 138, 153 and 180 concentrations in serum samples from male individuals, and their relationship with the prostatic specific antigen (PSA) levels which were previously determined in the studied population. The compounds extraction was carried out by acid hydrolyze methodology followed by determination and quantification via GC-μECD. The concentrations of PCBs 28 and 52 appeared lower than the quantification limit in all of analyzed samples. Among the detected compounds, the PCB 138 was mostly frequent (75%) and it showed the highest mean (2,05 ng.mL-1); PCB 153 was detected in 62.50%, and PCB 180 in 54.17% of samples. Regarding to PSA levels, no significant correlation with PCB concentration was found in the analyzed samples. No study on these compounds detection in the human serum sample has been reported in Brazil. Thus, additional investigations could be suggested to determine the causes of this contamination, as well as new investigations about the effect of PCB concentrations on PSA levels in serum of male individuals.References
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